闇の成功:1億円稼いだ闇金が倒産寸前の企業買い破滅への道歩む / Dark Success: Buying a Company on the Verge of Bankruptcy to Ruin


The story is about Yutaro Sakakibara, a successful black-market financier, who buys a company on the verge of bankruptcy with 100 million yen in capital and restructures it. He uses his dark powers to turn the company around and achieve great success, but behind the scenes there are outrageous means and a dark past. Ultimately, his dark past comes to light and he is arrested, and the price of his success is loneliness and despair. This story makes one think about what success means and the importance of ethics and morality.




Episode 1: The Right Way to Spend Money Made in the Dark

Final Episode: His Success

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