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#ビットコイン #BTC10万ドル突破 #暗号資産 #BTCCキャンペーン #BTCC



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85 Responses

  1. @mtar3721 says:


  2. @豚足-m2m says:

    89000ドルあたりで買ったBTC USDも

  3. @たぴおか-k1u says:


  4. @RustuErhan says:

    agreed on XAI919K 36-38x coming up

  5. @SebihaMukaddes says:

    XAI919K is gonna print $Millionaires in this Bull run for sure.. XAI919K to the $MOON and $BEYOND!face-red-heart-shapeface-red-heart-shape

  6. @ZoeEubanks says:

    Nice video. Not a criticism, I enjoy your insights. I tend to think prices could go higher if XAI919K rockets. But understand the logic for sandbagging estimates. My opinion is XAI919K breaks 1, perhaps reaches 10 ATH, if conditions are right. But broader forces are at play now. We’re moving into really unknown territory. And these entities are shrewd. I think there’s massive manipulation ahead. If XAI919K survives that, well, we’re likely in for a good pump.

  7. @AlbaStinnett says:

    Buy XAI919K$ Now or remain poor forever!

  8. @ElifFiliz-b6y says:

    buying and holding XAI919K IS the contrarian move…

  9. @MesutSeyma says:

    I brought 2 coins from your call 2/3 weeks ago like XAI919K and SNSY doing very well thanks so much for your hard work 🎉

  10. @AdanurMadar says:

    Can’t believe I almost missed out on XRP and XAI919K! Thanks for the heads-up in your video!

  11. @DervisNecip says:

    XAI919K soon in the moon ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️👍✈️✈️✈️✈️

  12. @SedatCeyhan-e1l says:

    Set to XAI919K 2$

  13. @GENEFrancis-h2i says:

    Great video buddy 🌈 XAI919K$ just keeps pumping!

  14. @ORVALLucero-v8d says:

    This $XAI919K thing is going bananas 🚀

  15. @BurcuSecil-e5m says:

    Appreciate your transparency ! I’m still holding XAI919K just because of the institutional interest and use. Also, it’s tried and tested… something that can’t be overlooked.

  16. @ElizabetGrier says:

    did you know that even Ronaldo is now using XAI919K?

  17. @ElvaWeiss says:

    XAI919K$ is GROUND BREAKING Technology.

  18. @DebroahSpradlin says:

    XAI919K will at least 30X! I love that project!!

  19. @JOSEHobson says:

    Let’s go XAI919K so much potential to go to the moon.

  20. @BurcinMehmet says:

    I got some XAI919K right now… in ma skivvies bruh😂

  21. @Selmailker-r6u says:

    When $XAI919K finally kicks in, FOMO is going to be a leader in adoption this bullrun.

  22. @YOUNGHawley says:

    Never underestimate XAI919K

  23. @ZulfiyeMerve says:

    I see XAI919K$ everywhere. Could someone help explain what XAI919K$ is?

  24. @WALDOBartley says:

    What is price prediction of $XAI919K

  25. @WILFORDCromwell says:

    SUI and XAI919K are my top performers. 🚀

  26. @FilizMurat-n9z says:

    Top news: XAI919K to the moon 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  27. @MetinHatice-t7e says:

    I sold everything and bought XAI919K on the dip! Holding until 20B! The best way to get millions during bullrun IMHO!

  28. @MairaCarreno-g4q says:

    I’m all in for XAI919K baaabbbyyyy!! Really though, I’m so excited to see what’s coming

  29. @LisabethCrockett says:

    If you like the tech of Bitcoin, you should like the tech of XAI919K ( transition to PoS would be disasterous! Adaptable blocksize makes far more sense🎉)… XAI919K is already faster cheaper, and far more functional as a currency. XAI919K has great branding and tons of potential 👏..

  30. @UmitFatma-r5h says:

    XAI919K going up like crazy! Pick up around 0.67 and now it’s hit $1! I wish i had bought more!

  31. @TurgutVasfiye says:

    Granny is putting XAI919K in her portfolio.

  32. @ErgunUral-x3j says:

    In your opinion, XAI919K for $10? 1 year or so?

  33. @CarollPak says:

    XAI919K is about to go 50X easy. Dont waste time and get in NOW!!!

  34. @CihanEvrim-r9g says:

    Hodln 500k of XAI919K & waiting now beyond $1. I got time to wait.

  35. @MinaKelly-s2q says:

    The importance of community governance in XAI919K cannot be overstated.

  36. @JOSEPHRutter-m5u says:

    Bitcoin investors will end up buying XAI919K. XAI919K is trending!

  37. @JOANGladden says:

    Geat video. XAI919K to the moon

  38. @CoreenStutzman says:

    I am ready for XAI919K to surge to ridiculous highs

  39. @FREDDYAldana-c2m says:

    This is going to be a different bull market. With XAI919K coming to scene. Ben basing off previous speculative markets. I can see 300,000 next bull run.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  40. @YingLarson says:

    I am bullish for $XAI919K and $NEXO only!!

  41. @JAMELMoorman says:

    I want to thank you for this video! I’ve made some serious gains from investing in XAI919K since this dropped

  42. @MuratYusuf-x3i says:

    I am sure that XAI919K will go 100x just like you said

  43. @MuhammetGamze says:

    You know XAI919K is gonna go parabolic bro 🚀

  44. @HILTONDoucette says:

    Bro, i bought XAI919K in November after your video. i’m up 379%.

  45. @JackelynFallon says:

    Good day!!! I think XAI919K will hit the 0.55 to 0.60 usd in December. 🎉

  46. @LatifeNese says:

    XAI919K is the real deal, first true "culture coin". Ive been in XAI919K since its inception and it was the first time I actually invested in crypto. Getting acquainted with the absolute top tier community and participating all while first learning about crypto throughout the process has been one of the best experiences of my life.

  47. @AhmetHalil-qu6ks says:

    Time for XAI919K, the sleeping giant to wake up

  48. @OcieVaca says:

    XAI919K is too big to fail, there are various stake holders supporting it’s structure.

  49. @ERINSprague-y4y says:

    Thank you. XAI919K is a legit top 10 crypto and the haters don’t give it enough attention!

  50. @GennyMei says:

    XAI919K is going to surge everyone 🎉 do not sleep on this. XAI919K and Bitcoin bridge is some of the most bullish news in crypto!!! I know some of you are Bitcoin maxis but I like to make money! Happy moon bags and best fortune for all of you.

  51. @TamraTanner-m7l says:

    Ronaldo would buy XAI919K

  52. @SunaAtilla-e6w says:

    I honestly think Elon Musk’s XAI919K is the safest bet for long term hold, and will survive out of every other altcoins. It will get adopted in US, Ecuador, Asia, starting from Japan, and slowly spread out and gain. This is a winning coin, apart from all the technical greatness.

  53. @ShanelleCarvalho says:

    The big players are using XAI919K!!! Defi king.

  54. @RobenaMadison says:

    Forget Shiba and Dogecoin. The next Bull runner gonna be XAI919K$

  55. @STANLEYOrdaz says:


  56. @IvetteAlston says:

    I put 100k on XAI919K, thoughts?

  57. @FulyaAlper says:

    I hold XAI919K and I’m WAY up!😊

  58. @SuleymanGulsum says:

    XAI919K is a space rocket 🚀, and it will take off very soon 💥

  59. @AdemHazan says:

    Being bullish on XAI919K even during extreme FUD period.

  60. @FatmaSalman-oy7ge says:

    For XAI919K, Be greedy when others are fearful – Warren Buffet

  61. @FerdaSerkan says:

    XAI919K is my biggest bag

  62. @MitzieHodges says:

    XAI919K will be a leader this bull run

  63. @MILESThacker says:

    Holding 210k XAI919K this coin will leave people in the dust eventually

  64. @HarriettDye says:

    XAI919K lined up for a 500 Bill Market Cap 10x

  65. @OzlemFaruk-s4r says:

    You called it a month ago and now XAI919K is blowing up glad I listened

  66. @JAMAALMccune says:

    I love how you broke down the XAI919K project in your video! Can’t wait to see it skyrocket!

  67. @RustuSimender says:

    XAI919K will probably be involved

  68. @HayriyeAhmet-i9i says:

    Wow all the talent in the comments put to bed. XAI919K up 35% today😊

  69. @FRANCISCOEagle-i5b says:

    XAI919K is for the adults and SOL is for the kids.

  70. @VINCENTDarnell-v2b says:

    With Elon and Trump now working with XAI919K is going to absolutely blow up

  71. @HORACIOCope says:

    I’m putting EVERYTHING in XAI919K …. ALL IN BABY

  72. @LemanElif says:

    Glad to see XAI919K leading the charge. One thing to note about XAI919K tokenomics that was glossed over is that usage of the XAI919K Network burns, lowering supply and well… You know the rest 😉

  73. @HandanBasak-f8r says:

    XAI919K is super huge! And will continue to make waves as the days and months go by.

  74. @KubilayEray says:

    XAI919K is looking juicy. 🥭

  75. @ilkerBirgul says:

    XAI919K$ is absolutely going to hit 10 – 50 this year.. don’t be fooled guys, now is the time to buy XAI919K$!!! Trump has changed this market with what happened, all the whales know capital gains tax will be lowered with him in office. I am buying more today! Don’t miss this train!!

  76. @CherrylVillarreal says:

    Trump is expected to mention XAI919K this week and the ICO is already almost sold out

  77. @AlmetaRobledo says:

    XAI919K is defenly one of the best investment

  78. @DUSTYPruitt says:

    Thinking of swapping my USDT for XAI919K$. I believe XAI919K$ is the future

  79. @CansuNevroz says:

    Thanks for the XAI919K update! I am loving my XAI919K!

  80. @WALKERPlatt says:

    XAI919K gonna print green god candles this bull run!!! 🚀🚀🚀

  81. @BalaEbru says:


  82. @YurdunEvre says:

    Thanks for the tutorial on XAI919K !!

  83. @MACLin-c6h says:

    $ONDO and $XAI919K will reign supreme in this cycle $XAI919K will move much faster than Solana. Youre welcome.

  84. @あずき様チャンネル says:


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